Bitcoin ponovo jača
Posle pada vrednosti bitcoin novčića od 130$ do 65$ polako se oporavlja cena na trenutnih 100$ za novčić. Evo i nekih procena u tabeli za seriju 8xxx AMD kartica, cene i proizvodnja su dati na osnovu serije 7xxx jer nema nikakvih unapređenja za rudarenje osim promene imena čipova i oznaka. Osetan pad kartica serija 6xxx i 7xxx na domaćim berzama, serija 5xxx drži cenu zbog dekodiranja.
Ne zaboravite i obavezan servis i čišćenje opreme radi lakšeg hlađenja, i nadzor rada rudara preko nekog pametnog telefona da bi uočili pregrevanje.
Evo neke moje tabele gde se može videti okvirno koliko koja karta pravi, troši i približne cene na polovnom tržištu. Podaci su dati orijentaciono sa overklokovanim karticama.
za Litecoin tabelu ovde
Slucajno naleteo ovde i video korisnu tabelu, BTC nam i dalje raste pu, pu da ne ureknemo. Hvala za podatke i analizu, cini mi se da su cene malo pogresne ali su blizu realnih.
Ode btc na 11$ a cene kartica u blagom padu, mada je malo vruce za rudarenje. Negde sam nasao par clanaka koji pominju rast traznje btc-a, a naravno neki misle da su ciste spekulacije. Dobra tabela, bilo mi je lakse da pratim cene i ucinak uz ove podatke. Keep mining!!!
This max amount is, by the way, one of the hignts I find weird and impractical about the BTC. It’s supposed to be an international currency available to everyone. There’s almost 7 billion people in the world right now, which means the average BTC per person if divided would be 0.003. You should read a bit more about bitcoins before you start commenting if the value of bitcoins is too high, they can be divided into very small pieces. the explosive increase in value will also be the fall of the BTC I’m afraid. People have started to buy bitcoins as if they were stocks because of the rapid growth. It’s kind of like a legal version of insider trading People who do that are missing the point of bitcoin, which is to be used primarily as a currency, and they will suffer as the value of the currency fluctuates. As for the comparison with insider trading, note that insider trading is illegal because it involves the insider profiting from knowledge from inside the tent that the general market doesn’t have yet (i.e. it is unfair). Anyone can buy bitcoins, and no-one knows which way the price will go (they may have a theory, but that’s just speculation, not knowledge), so it is *nothing* like insider trading.Your final point, about liquidity, is important though. If there are lots of bitcoins, and nothing to spend them on, sooner or later your point will come true people will want to convert to dollars and the conversion rate will collapse. However, there are increasingly a number of hignts to spend them on. Furthermore, there are many hignts (e.g. online virtual goods, in game currencies) that have limited real-world value, but that people pay for and that rise in value over time even though people can never use them or convert them to dollars.
i wish i had more bitcoins, i have to start working for them!
Nisam gledao neko vreme i ne mogu da poverujem da je bitcoin isao do 266$!!! Da sam znao da sačuvam neke iz 2011, aaaaaaa
Kina je ušla u celu priču sa novčićima i očekuje se da cena-volumen trgovine stabilno raste. Možda će se u skoroj budućnosti uvoz iz Kine plaćati sa BTC umesto $? Ako imate novčića na lageru savet je da čuvate i izbegavate berzu do neke još veće cene od sadašnje.
Pozdrav, citao sam po forumima o Bitcoinu. Ljudi su sredinom 2011. govorili da se rudarenje ne isplati. Medjutim, rast cijene meni kao laiku za cijelu pricu govori da se moglo jako puno zaraditi da se tada rudarilo. Cak, ako ce cijena BTC-a rasti da je i sada isplativo kupit mocnu masinu za rudarenje (20 000 €). Sto vi mislite o tome?